Teaching Philosophy: Promise Or Peril?

Date: November 17-18, 2011

Location: San Francisco, CA (Eucharist Commons, 285 Main Street)

Keynote address: Bruce Benson (Wheaton College)


9:00am – Welcome and Prayer

9:30-11:00am – Session 1

-Abigail Doukhan  (Queens College, CUNY)

“Carbon based Brains, Consciousness and the Challenges of Teaching Philosophy in an Adventist Context”

-Tennyson Samraj (Canadian University College)

11:00-12:30pm – Session 2

“Untying the Knots of Thinking:Wittgenstein and the Role of Philosophy in Adventism”

-Aleksandar S. Santrac (University of the Southern Caribbean)

-Hans Gutierrez (Italian Adventist College)

12:30pm – Lunch

2:00-3:30pm – Session 3

“Thinkers or Reflectors? Young Adult Retention, Philosophy, and Adventist Education”

-Zane Yi (Fordham University, Ph.D. candidate)

“Account of the immortality of soul in Plato’s Phaedo – Between Orphism and Fallacies”

-Gonzalo Pita (Florida Institute of Technology, Ph.D. candidate)

4:00-5:30pm – Session 4

“Peril and Promise: Teaching Philosophy in an Adventist Context”

-Richard Rice (Loma Linda University)

“Eclecticism: Peril or Promise in Adventist Philosophy Classes?”

-Shawna Vhymeister (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies)

November 18, 2011

8:30-10:00am – Session 5

“A Proposal: Teaching Philosophy to Seventh-Day Adventist Students”

-Jim Londis (Kettering College of Medical Arts)

-Gary Land/Gary Wood (Andrews University)

-Ben McArthur (Southwestern Adventist University)

10:15-11:45pm – Panel Session – Where do we go from here?

12:00pm – Lunch

1:30pm – Keynote address – “Christian Philosophy as a Way of Life”

-Bruce Benson (Wheaton College)*