Good With(out) God?: Adventism and 19th Century Moral Philosophy

Date: November 20-21, 2014

Location: San Diego, CA – Thomas Jefferson School of Law, #227

Keynote address: C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University)


8:30am – Welcome and Introductions

9:00-10:30am – Session 1: Ethics and Idealism

“Freedom, Pantheism, and Radical Evil in Schelling’s ‘Middle Period’”
– Darin McGinnis (Wheeling Jesuit University)

“Hegel, Adventists, and the Pursuit of Truth”
– G. Russell Seay (Oakwood University)

10:30-12:00pm – Session 2:  Ethics and Theism

“Grace and Good: Kierkegaard and the Challenge of Demythologized Religion”
– Charles Scriven (Kettering College of Medical Arts, emeritus)

“Is Everything Permitted Without God?”
– Ronald E. Osborn (Wellesley College)

12:00-1:30pm – Lunch

1:30-3:00pm – Session 3: Ethics and Emotions 

“A Re-evaluation Of Feeling And Its Consequences For Religious Thought”
– Anthony Malagon (Queens College)

Ressentiment and the Advent Hope
– Jasper St. Bernard II (University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point)

3:00-5:00pm – Session 4

Keynote Address: “Divine Commands as the Basis for Moral Obligations”

– C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University)

Response: David Larson (Loma Linda University)

5:30pm – Dinner followed by casual after dinner discussion of papers